Thursday, March 20, 2008

Have we lost our minds or our way?

Barack Obama made a splendid speech the other day. It was filled with the beautiful mutterings that he has spoken to us for the many months now. Words that all boil down to saying nothing! Bill Clinton got it wrong when he said Barack's campaign was a "fairy tale". It's Obama's speeches that are fantasy.  Unfortunately for for him it was only filled with excuses for Pastor "Wrong" and nothing but contempt for his poor white grandma. I would hope that the American people would expected more from him, especially considering his lofty goal of being our President of the U.S. of A A A.

When are his young supporters going to get it? Barack has fooled all of them into thinking that he is the the true uniter and that he alone is the only one that, if elected, can bring us racial harmony. Has Barack mentioned once how he is going to that? Did I miss that part in his well produced speeches? So far all that I have seen of Barack is him setting up his Kool-Aid stand, pouring glasses and to his credit everybody's buying it. The more Barack pours the Kool-Aid, the more people are lapping it up. His supporters can not get enough. 

I for one have had enough and I think his "stand" is coming to a close, the Kool-Aid stand has poured it's last glass of punch. Unless Obama begins adding more sugar (substance) to his Kool-Aid the lines will begin dwindling. No more big lines what to get another glass of emptiness. Barack needs to lay out specifically what he is going to do and stand behind it, all the way. Not say it one day, and then come back and say "well that is not exactly what I meant", etc., etc.

The American voter needs to not only listen to the words the candidates are speaking, but they need to digest them. Understand the full context in which they were spoken and get past the rhetoric. America did not become the greatest country in the world by following blindly along like a bunch of lemmings. 

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